Saturday, April 26, 2008

Gamucci, the e-cigarette

Finally, every smoker’s dream came true, a cigarette that’s not bad for you.

Gamucci is an e-cigarette that looks, feels and tastes like a real cigarette but doesn’t hurt you, the ones around you or the environment. It’s a rechargeable device that uses sophisticated micro-electronic technology to deliver a true smoking experience, only without the tobacco smoke and tar that contain over 4.000 toxins. It contains water, propylene glycol, nicotine and tobacco scent and, instead of exhaling smoke, you exhale harmless vapors. So your body receives all the nicotine it craves but without all the other nasty stuff, it’s a dream come true and best of all you can legally smoke it indoors.

One rechargeable Gamucci cartridge is the equivalent of 20 cigarettes and the device’s battery lasts a whole day, when used with normal use (whatever that means).


Unknown said...

I've read reviews about this and being a smoker for over 10 years now, i have tried to quit in the past but always found that my fingers would wander. So I took the link in this post and bought my Gamucci from prezzybox and it has finally helped me to quit.Im not saying it will help everyone but its such a healthier alternative

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